
Communion Service: 4 July

Leader:  Maranny Jones

This is best viewed in Landscape orientationwood

You will appreciate the sound better if you use earphones or an external loudspeaker, whatever type of device you view on.

You may wish to have bread and wine to hand before you start the service.

Call to Worship

The greatness and power of God
are such a contrast to our weakness -
yet, our God loves us.
The holiness and goodness of God
are such a contrast to our sinful nature -
yet, our God loves us.
Come, offer your praise and thanksgiving,
and give glory and honour to our God.

Prayers of Praise and Confession

O God, all-sufficient one,
we give you thanks and praise that you are all we need.
You are enough.
Thank you that you love us so much,
and provide everything we need for the journey of life.
You didn't promise that following you would be easy,
but we thank you that you care about us
as you do the birds of the sky and the lilies in the field.
You know our every need.
Thank you that your thoughts are higher than our thoughts,
your ways higher than our ways.
Thank you that when we come to you empty,
your arms reach out to embrace us.

We bow before you, O God,
and we confess that we have let you down.
We have turned away from you and gone our own way.
We have allowed material things to dominate our lives,
and to occupy our minds.
We are sorry, and we lay everything at your feet.
We are sorry that we overcomplicate everything.
Help us to learn how to be still and know that you are God.
Help us to seek simplicity, to slow down and not to hurry,
to require nothing more than what you give,
and to fear being vulnerable,
so that we can be complete in your presence.

Prayer of Assurance of Forgiveness

Jesus Christ, you died and rose again
that we might be released from all the worldly things
that weigh us down.
Thank you that we are forgiven,
that our chains are gone,
and we have been set free to serve you once again.

Hymn (CH4: 198): Let us build a house, verses 1, 2 & 5

tune: Two Oaks, with Intro.

1. Let us build a house where love can dwell
and all can safely live,
a place where saints and children tell
how hearts learn to forgive.
Built of hopes and dreams and visions,
rock of faith and vault of grace;
here the love of Christ shall end divisions:

All are welcome,
all are welcome
all are welcome in this place.

2. Let us build a house where prophets speak,
and words are strong and true,
where all God's children dare to seek
to dream God's reign anew.
Here the cross shall stand as witness
and as symbol of God's grace;
here as one we claim the faith of Jesus:


5. Let us build a house where all are named
their songs and visions heard
and loved and treasured, taught and claimed
as words within the Word.
Built of tears and cries and laughter,
prayers of faith and songs of grace,
let this house proclaim from floor to rafter:


Marty Haugen (b. 1952) (c) GIA Publications

Reading: Mark 6: 1 - 13

A Prophet Without Honour

6 Jesus left there and went to his home town, accompanied by his disciples. 2 When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed.

"Where did this man get these things?" they asked. "What's this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is performing? 3 Isn't this the carpenter? Isn't this Mary's son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren't his sisters here with us?" And they took offence at him.

4 Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honour except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home." 5 He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. 6 He was amazed at their lack of faith.

Jesus Sends Out the Twelve

Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village. 7 Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits.
8 These were his instructions: "Take nothing for the journey except a staff-no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. 9 Wear sandals but not an extra shirt. 10 Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you leave that town. 11 And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them."

12 They went out and preached that people should repent. 13 They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.

Prayers of Intercession

Heavenly Father we thank you for the gift of life and above all for your love in dying for us who so often act as your enemies
Break down any barriers which prevent us from being at peace with you and fill your church with your love, you are our hope and joy.
We thank you Lord for the blessing of family and the love and protection that is shared in our homes. We pray for our families and we raise before you families where someone is ill, having tests or recovering from illness. We ask for your love comfort and support for those who are ill and those who look after them and worry, ease their anxieties. We pray for all who feel unwanted and rejected, open our eyes and our minds to those around us, who are in real need, don't let us walk by on the other side
Lord, we pray for our government in these testing times. Lord where there is a lack of trust there is a lack of confidence. We are wary as we look to our own government and we ask that you might build up politicians we can trust, politicians where there are no double standards and where there is no hypocrisy. Lord the task seems enormous but no task is ever too great for you. We ask that you strengthen us that we work for justice, in our street, in our towns and in our country. To change the world we need to begin at home.
We pray for those who have died in the apartment block tragedy in Miami. We lift before you all those who are missing and for the families involved. We pray for all the emergency services involved. Lord comfort those who are traumatised by what has happened and for whom the future in now unimaginable.
Lord we pray for the dying and those who have recently died, commending them to the joy and safe keeping of your love. We pray that those now gone from us have entered into the fullness of eternal life and that they share with your saints in glory.
In Jesus name


We know from Scripture that not everyone welcomed Jesus, if they had the crucifixion would never have happened! Jesus was often scorned and rejected and certainly not always popular. It follows that if Jesus was not popular then his disciples and followers wouldn't be popular either.

Often what stops people accepting Jesus is their pride and prejudice and Jesus is not given a chance because people have made up their minds about him before they meet him. It would be quite natural for Jesus to go home to Nazareth, after all he had lived there most of his life. Like any good Jew it was also natural for him to go to the Synagogue but rather than being taught, it was Jesus doing the teaching, but the people couldn't hear him because of their prejudice. 'How can he preach? Is he not a carpenter? Let him get back to making furniture'. They saw Jesus as a craftsman but could not see him as a preacher. They could see him as he was but could not accept him for what he had become. Jesus had changed but the people were unwilling to. Sadly, some would think he could not have a great message because he was just a working man. Where did he get his wisdom from - because he was no scholar! Prejudice again!!

Of course, they knew his family, his mother Mary his brothers and his sisters, we get a glimpse of the family home at Nazareth, Jesus was not an only child. He grew up in what would be considered a large family. We notice Joseph is not mentioned so he may have died. Jesus as the first born would have had to work hard to help bring this family up and that is why he was still in Nazareth until he is about 30. The people who knew his family would not accept that Jesus could achieve anything special because he was so ordinary in their eyes. It is still the same, people expressing incredulity at someone becoming a Doctor when their father was a motor mechanic!! They rejected him because he was so ordinary. How can a carpenter preach? Such prejudice has hampered many a good man or woman. Despite Jesus having healed some people, the people of Nazareth could not see his power. There are none so blind as those who do not want to see.

Jesus was amazed at their unbelief. He knew them and did not expect it from them. Before he left, he said 'prophets are not without honour, except in their home town and among their own kin, and in their own house' A sad statement from Jesus.

When people refuse to listen and then don't hear Jesus moves on, he goes to other villages, we know that Jesus never forces himself on anyone. We all have the choice to accept him as our Lord and our friend or to ignore him. The choice is definitely ours. It isn't that many are antagonistic to Jesus, it is more that they can't be bothered to put themselves out. When Jesus is ignored or rejected, he will move on, unless we call him back.

Has anyone seen the film The Mission? At the beginning Father Gabriel enters the jungle to preach to the Guaran¡ community. Previously, the community had been hostile to outsiders, but Father Gabriel goes alone and plays his oboe, hoping that the music will reach them. The Guaran¡ creep close, listening to the magical sound. One tribe member becomes angry and breaks the oboe in half. Another gestures for Father Gabriel to play it again. He shows that he cannot because it is broken. The man examines the oboe and beckons Gabriel to follow him to the village where he repairs it. This is the true start of the mission, when Father Gabriel is in need and the Guaran¡ people help him. It is like the moment that the disciples entered a village asking for hospitality.

When we hold onto God we have to loosen our hold on wealth, status or prestige. This last year has taught us that life is full of choices and there is not enough time to pursue the unimportant ones. Our faith is not an added extra to our social standing, our education or our wealth - a kind of bolt-on spirituality that gives enhancement to an already rich life. Sometimes our privilege misleads us, making us feel richer than we truly are. Sometimes our calling from God will undermine our popularity. We need to choose.

By today's ultra-cautious standards, Jesus' instructions to his disciples appeared cavalier at best, and reckless at worst. We live in a time when everyone is encouraged to plan and prepare for every eventuality. Here in Britain, if we go on holiday we take in our suitcase clothes to suit all four seasons......just in case. Not to do so is regarded as careless. Jesus' approach flies in the face of such materialistic convention; it is a 'less is more' concept - less reliance on ourselves (via what we have) and more on God and others. This involves an unburdening of oneself to the point where a person is no longer in control. The idea of being vulnerable and out of one's comfort zone is never a comfortable experience, but it is often during those times that we are most receptive to God and his plans for our lives.

How would you react to someone who said they were an evangelist and God had told them to stay at your house? In today's world, 'Of course' may not be the first or most obvious response that comes to mind! However, when Jesus sent out his disciples on their missionary activities, he knew the Hebrew (Old Testament) tradition of showing hospitality to the stranger or foreigner. And it is a practice that, as the New Testament shows, remains firmly within the Christian tradition too. How, then, should we respond to strangers? Do we take the issue of hospitality as seriously as Scripture encourages us to do? And if not, why not? Do we need to pray for a spirit of generosity and warmth towards those seeking the love and help that only Jesus can provide?

The message of the disciples begins as Jesus began 'Repent! It is a message to turn around, turn around because you are going in the wrong direction, this is a call that disturbs, a call to be aware of where we are going and to accept that we can change. The disciples revealed the mercy, the loving kindness of God in bringing liberty and healing. Like Jesus they never force themselves on anyone. God respects our freedom. How do we express the mission of Jesus, When do we proclaim the message to those outside and show them acts of mercy, revealing the loving kindness of God. Do we see that all who are called by Jesus are involved in his mission, including each and every one of us. Amen

Communion Hymn 447: I come with Joy to meet my Lord

Tune: St Botolphe, with Intro.

1. I come with joy to meet my Lord,
forgiven, loved, and free,
in awe and wonder to recall
his life laid down for me.

2. I come with Christians far and near
to find, as all are fed,
the new community of love
in Christ's communion bread.

3. As Christ breaks bread and bids us share,
each proud division ends.
That love that made us makes us one,
and strangers now are friends.

4. And thus with joy we meet our Lord.
His presence, always near,
is in such friendship better known:
we see and praise him here.

5. Together met, together bound,
we'll go our different ways,
and as his people in the world,
we'll live and speak his praise.

Words: Brian Wren
Words (c) 1971 by Hope Publishing Co.

The Communion

Come, not because you are strong but because you are weak.
Come, not because of any goodness of your own but because you need mercy and help.
Come, because you love the Lord a little, and would like to love him more.
Come, because he loves you and gave himself for you.


This is the Lord's Table
The Lord Jesus invites us to share this joyful feast.
From east and west, from north and south, people will come and take their place
At the banquet in the Kingdom of God St Luke 13: 29
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Taking of the bread and wine

As the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread
I take these elements of bread and wine
To be set apart from all common uses
To this holy use and mystery
And as he gave thanks and blessed let us draw near to God and offer him our prayer


Gracious God, we give you glory, thanks and praise
For the dying and undying love
Of our saviour Jesus Christ
In your great goodness,
You have brought us communion with him
And all who love him,
And made us heirs of your everlasting kingdom.
By your grace we continue in this holy fellowship
And live to the glory of your name:
Through Jesus Christ our Lord

Breaking of bread

According to the holy institution example
And command of our Lord Jesus Christ
And as a memorial to him
We do this,
Who on the night he was betrayed took bread.
And when he had given thanks he broke it
And said “This is my body
Which is broken for you:
Do this in remembrance of me”

In the same way he took the cup
Saying “This cup is the new covenant
Sealed by my blood.
Whenever you drink, do it in memory of me”

Take eat, this is the body of Christ
Which is broken for you
Do this remembering him.

Taking the Breadbreak bread

Take eat, this is the body of Christ
Which is broken for you
Do this remembering him.

Taking the Winedrink wine

This cup is the new covenant
Sealed by Christ’s blood
Which was shed that the sins of many
Might be forgiven
Drink from it, all of you


Let us pray.
Gracious God,
We thank you for the love
Which brings us as food from heaven
The life of your dear Son
And assures us that we belong
To the company of all his faithful people
in heaven and on earth.
Grant that strengthened by this fellowship
And by the power of his Holy Spirit
We may continue his work in the world
Until we come.
To the glory of your eternal kingdom
Through the same Jesus Christ,
Your son, our Lord.

We bring all our prayers together as we say:

OUR FATHER who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory For ever and ever Amen

Hymn 558: Will you come and Follow Me if I but call your name

tune: Kelvingrove, with Intro.

1. Will you come and follow me
if I but call your name?
Will you go where you don't know
and never be the same?
Will you let my love be shown,
will you let my name be known,
will you let my life be grown,
in you and you in me?

2. Will you leave yourself behind
if I but call your name?
Will you care for cruel and kind
and never be the same?
Will you risk the hostile stare
should your life attract or scare?
Will you let me answer prayer
in you and you in me?

3. Will you love the 'you' you hide
if I but call your name?
Will you quell the fear inside
and never be the same?
Will you use the faith you've found
to reshape the world around,
through my sight and touch
and sound in you and you in me?

4. Lord, your summons echoes true
when you but call my name.
Let me turn and follow you
and never be the same.
In your company I'll go
where your love and footsteps show.
Thus I'll move and live and grow
in you and you in me.

John Bell (1949-) & Graham Maule (1958 - 2020)

Sending Out and Blessing

Lord, you sent your disciples into the world
to share your word with those in need -
may we approach this coming week with a similar desire.
You sent them carrying little but trusting much -
may we live this week with a similar attitude.
May our lives be less about us and our needs,
and more about you,
and your love and care for all people
in all places and circumstances.
May we love as you love.
We ask in your name.

The Father guard you and each action
The Son protect you and each thought
The Spirit guide you in all your dealings.
And the blessing of the Giver of all good gifts
be upon you and all that you do, now and evermore.

Next week, the service will be led by  Rev Dr John Elliston

Don't forget the live streamed hymns on Sundays at 10:45 a.m. from Zöe (via the 'Northgate URC Darlington' Facebook page)
These are available to view later as well. (via YouTube, for those without Facebook, and also Facebook)
The streamings are a great success - well done, Zöe!
The recorded streamings are now, thanks to Harry Marshall, available to all on YouTube - search for 'Northgate URC Darlington'.

Ask Harry to invite you to the Northgate Facebook Group and you will get a notification of the live stream.
- Or you can just search for 'Northgate URC Darlington' in Facebook.

The URC denominational church audio Services (podcasts) at https://devotions.urc.org.uk/ are excellent, with well-delivered prayers and readings using a selection of voices and well-presented hymns.

Do give these a try - they are excellent.

(Just start the sound playing and scroll down to the written words)

Why not put the time aside for Zoe at 10:45, our preacher's service after that and follow up with the podcast - you will feel as if you had been IN church, as well as WITH church.
